Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Boobs and Milk

Aha. That blog title got your attention didn't it? ;-) This post is about boobs and milk... or more specifically, breastfeeding.

I'm a breastfeeding mom and I'm proud of it. I feel very fortunate to have been influenced by family and friends to strive to stay determined despite the many challenges to breastfeeding. I remember when I had my first child, it was such a struggle. I got so frustrated when he didn't latch on automatically... Santino actually refused to breastfeed during the first few hours of his life... I guess he preferred to sleep more. ha ha... but this still made me feel frustrated and helpless... and a bit anxious since I would hear stories about how babies should automatically start sucking on the breast or else they'd grow hungry and then you'd have no choice but to give them formula or water... thank God I was determined. It took a few more tries, but eventually (Santino and) I got the hang of it. Breastfeeding is no easy feat (especially for first time mommies)... aside from the anxiousness and frustrations, there is also the tendency to develop wounds around the nipple.. so remember.. nipple cream!! I remember the time when my nipples got so sore that I dreaded breastfeeding... it felt like torture every time... but I knew I had to continue, not to mention that the expense of formula (milk) was something I wanted to avoid for as long as I possibly could. And I succeeded, well at least for 1 whole year!!

After Santino, almost 2 years later I gave birth to our girl, Ysabella. This time around I knew what to expect and what to do, so I was much more prepared to handle the whole breastfeeding process. I had less sore nipples and things were much more easier. I guess it also helped that Ysabella was a much more cooperative baby, meaning as soon as she came out into the world and the doctor put her on my chest, she immediately started to suck. I can still remember how cute she looked and how happy I was to finally have such an enthusiastic 'eater'. I successfully breastfed Ysabella for 6 months. This time around I was a lot less conscious, like I wouldn't mind breastfeeding in public (with a wrap of course) and things came much easier to me.

Breastfeeding by the beach :)
Breastfeeding now came so much more naturally for me. I also found myself encouraging other soon-to-be moms and fellow new moms to breastfeed for as long as possible. The benefits of this for mom and baby are so much that it's worth all the handwork and dedication. The only thing I regret was that I started going to the gym right away. I wanted to get into shape right away (Belly was only 6months) and so I started going to the gym and doing a little weights... I guess this had some effect on my milk production and so my milk started to lessen and then just diminish all together. I then had to put Belly on formula since my milk was no longer enough :( A few months after this I also found out I was preggy with Baby #3 (Giovanni).

A year and a half later our 3rd little bundle was born. Giovanni is by far the most mabait baby. No trouble in the feeding and sleeping habits. Now the third time around, things just went like clockwork and breastfeeding, parenting and motherhood were like second nature already. I love being a mother to my kids, and I truly enjoy sharing in extra special moments with each of them in different ways. Nowadays what's been crossing my mind is finding an avenue to which I can give back in way and causes that also give me much joy. Thinking about how I can help other moms as well... been thinking about how to go about getting involved in something that will help me achieve these goals of being able to counsel and help out other moms as well.

Thoughts? Suggestions?

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