Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween! :)

Belly, My Little Fairy

SpiderBoy Santinoy!

Happy Halloween!! :-)

I am a proud Momma! Say hello to my cutie pies... Belly the Fairy and Spiderboy Tinoy! Although Tinoy really wanted to be a Thomas from Thomas & Friends (but Mommy couldn't find a Thomas costume!), both kiddos enjoyed their Halloween! An Belly won best costume in the infants division in the village Halloween party!

I can't believe how much my kids have grown! I remember just 3 Halloweens ago I was going trick or Treating myself and partying like crazy.. but now, Halloweens are finding the best and cutest costume (Pressure!!) and going from house to house for just 2pcs of candy! My oh my how my life has changed! But am LOVIN' IT. Motherhood is the most rewarding role in the whole world, and seeing my kids smiling and happy is the best gift I can ever receive! :))

Thursday, October 28, 2010

My Super Brave Baby Belly

Yesterday we took our 5-month old daughter, Ysabella Lily whom we fondly call "Belly" to St.Luke's Global City for her DMSA scan. This was the second and follow up test to her VCUG procedure which we had done when she was only 1-month old.

Belly, just a few weeks after she was born, started to get recurring very high fevers. After a lot of urine and blood tests, our Pedia discovered that she had a bad case of UTI or Urinary Track infection. We were then referred to a Urologist to find out why she was having all these recurring UTI infections at such a very young age. The Urologist recommended a VCUG test where we discovered she had Grade 4 Reflux. But since she was still so young when we figured this out, there is a big chance that there may just be very minimal or no scarring in her kidneys. She was then recommended for a DMSA scan which would show us the scarring, if ever there were any.

Thinking back to the time where we had to see the Urologist and him explaining all the "scenarios" to us, both severe and mild, still makes my head spin. Finding out that there may be something wrong with my months-old child really broke my heart. Now I know what fear and utter helplessness feels like all at the same time. We could do nothing but just pray and pray that there was no real damage to her kidneys.

God really does hear our prayers. I am so blessed with my family and such loving friends. I do believe that prayers are really the best medicine. God is the ultimate healer and with Him all things (and miracles) are possible. Never ever lose faith in Him. My beautiful baby Belly was such a strong girl. She was so happy the whole time and did not give any of the staff a hard time during the whole procedure. She didn't even need to be sedated because she was such a model patient (not to mention she also saved mommy and daddy a lot of money by not needing an anesthesiologist!).

Everything looks positive. Thank God. We got the final results already and will have our Urologist interpret them, but hopefully (through God's grace) there is no scarring, her kidneys are well-functioning, and she will grow up to be a very lovable, happy and beautiful baby. :-) I will keep you updated through this blog. Thank you all for those who prayed with us and who continue to still pray for Belly. Here's a HUGE cyber***HUUUUGGGG*** :-)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The value of human life.

A few days ago, I woke up one morning to find this. My two babies were suddenly sleeping side by side (usually there's a pillow between them so Kuya won't accidentally kick Belly), Santino with his arms around Belly. How they got to this position, I do not know. Must have all been Santino's doing of course. He is super malambing to his baby sister. What made me laugh even more was the fact that Belly was awake but did not make any sound or complaint about her Kuya wrapping his arms around her.

What ever did I do to deserve such sweet kids? I am truly so lucky and very very blessed. My kids are my most precious gift from the Lord. Our (Santi and I) lives would be totally empty (and so quiet) without them.

What has alarmed me these past few weeks is the growing number of news reports on abandoned and aborted babies. From trash cans to airplane toilets... as a mom, it really breaks my heart. I am not once to judge the mother or parents of these abandoned or aborted kids, I am sure the have their own reasons (valid or otherwise) for doing such things... but is that something that we should just leave at that? It makes me think of the bigger issue here. What has our culture and society done as to make this even a viable option with regards to human life? Is it a lack of education and understanding of the value of life? Is it the lack of people and centers or places that women (and parents) can turn to when faced with such difficult situations? More importantly, what can be done about it?

Saturday, October 16, 2010

A Hardworking mother is redundant.

A Hardworking mother is redundant. Running a household, taking care of kids and looking out for a husband requires a lot of multi-tasking and a lot of patience. :-) I am grateful for a husband who (most of the time) appreciates my efforts and is also very hands-on with our kids. Nothing can ever replace the fact that you are there for your kids when you need them, that you share those milestone moments, and even little, everyday moments...

Being a parent is no easy task. Don't get me wrong, the rewards of seeing your child laugh and make-lambing are priceless, but I can't help but think... am I raising my child up in the right way? Am I being a good enough example to my children?

They say you can determine a lot about a parent and person by the way their children act. I can't help but look and observe my 2 kids and smile... I think we have done a pretty good job (so far). My heart overflows and I always feel the urge to cry whenever I think of my kids... is this normal? I want to help provide for the family but at the same time, I also want to be around my kids all the time... to be there when they wake up in the mornings or when it's time for their afternoon nap... or just to spend those precious moments with my son, we sit and talk about Thomas and Friends, or drown myself in the generous smiles of my 5-month old daughter.

I am still very much a work in progress. Finding that balance between my kids, husband, our home and work is something that I struggle with everyday. Some days are challenging and other days can be a breeze. I still have a lot of dreams and goals for myself and our family. I just hope and pray that sooner than later, those dreams and goals will indeed become a reality.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sometimes, you just have to just ask.

Ask and you shall receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.
[Luke 11:9-10]

How many times have we heard this phrase? It's also mentioned in today's reading and is a favorite among people who are asking and wanting something in their lives. I am one of those people. I often turn to this verse and think, "Oh dear God, I really really want this to happen in my life." I patiently wait.. and wait.. and wait... and in some things, I am still waiting! But often times we do ask, but after we wait... we forget... to ask again!

Sometimes we just really need to ask like children. I remember my son, Santino... he is 2 years old and at that stage wherein he wants what he wants and will do anything to get his way! When he
wants to watch his favorite dvd series on the tv, he asks and asks.. he hangs by my desk and begs me.. if I don't budge, he goes to his dad to start pulling him to the direction of the tv... if that doesn't work he asks his yaya... he shouts and makes drama and says "spongebob" or "choo-choo train" over and over... until one of us gives in. Ang kulit, diba?

It's the same when we are asking for something from God... we have to be makulit. After all, if we really really want and desire it, we won't ever forget it until we get it, right? I believe that God wants to give us the desire's of our heart, He's just waiting for the right time to give it... just like a loving, doting parent who loves us so much, who just wants whats best for us.

Photo: Santino forcing me to "mama.. listen." He always makes sure I understand what he wants! ha ha.

Monday, October 4, 2010

To the first man I ever loved.

To the first man I ever loved...

Thank you for 28 years of unconditional love and support for me and everything that I do. For loving me despite my very strong and opinionated personality... Although the burden is off you now since Santi is now the one bearing it. hihihi.

Thanks Dad for being the most humble servant in our community. Always patient and fair (although sometimes I know people can be SOOOO difficult to deal with) and constantly reminding us how we should be and what we should strive and fight for.

Thanks Doodie for being such a loving husband to Mom, no one else does this job (and no one else will do this job? haha kidding, Mother ;-)) better than you.

I know material gifts don't matter to you, so we will just be celebrating by saying a prayer for you-- constant happiness, to be surrounded by love from family and friends and many more years on this earth since we would be lost without you. :)

Happy happy Birthday Doodie. :-)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Marriage: Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

I’ve heard this line for many years now but never really experienced it until these past few days. Santi (my hubby) was gone for 2 days to attend a wedding of a friend in Cebu while the kids and I stayed home. Just my luck that the morning that Santi left I started to get a bad, itchy cough, runny nose and my asthma slowly kicking in. To cap it all of, that evening I got a 38 fever.

Being sick and having to take care of yourself sucks. There’s nothing like some TLC from your mom when you’re sick, but this time I didn’t have that since now, I WAS the mom. I was the one that everyone would run to and ask for help with when it came to my family. They all depended on me, be it for items around the house, or preparing meals (and also being the meal— Belly is still breastfeeding ;-)) and being that focal point where everything and everyone in the house would naturally converge.

But this time, I was the one who needed the TLC… Even in my feverish state of exhaustion, I still had to breastfeed, reply to some work emails, entertain the kids and put them to bed. Those 2 short days seemed like forever without Santi. It made me appreciate my husband and the things (even though how small) that he would do for me…. like always asking how I was, or putting Santino to sleep and being the one to mix his milk in the middle of the night… or how I could get little back rubs or a simple hug for the stress or bad feelings to melt away.

The past 2 days made me realize just how lucky I am in the husband department. Sure, there were times where I would want to ask for a full-refund or maybe a swap? But then the NO RETURN, NO EXCHANGE policy also applies in marriage, and I’m glad it does… because where would I be if I could just easily give up when faced with the tiniest hardship? Marriage IS hard work. SO MUCH HARD WORK… but when you communicate and make it work (compromise, love, patience, respect, faith) … you are very happy and at peace. :-)

Divisoria and Motherhood

(Imported from my tumblr blog, dated Sept 29, 2010)

Went to Divisoria today to buy more material for my small business. Yes, you read it right. I started designing and making nanny uniforms… born out of my frustration in searching for uniforms for my yayas which weren’t too scrubs-type (let’s keep those in the Medical profession, please) and too common or boring. I call my brand SURSI, which is an Ilonggo word meaning “to stitch.”

Pretty cool, huh? Let me know if you or any of your friends want to order… :-)

Anyway, back to my day… so I get to Divisoria with 2 missions: buy tela for my business and maybe some cute tops and things for myself. I completed mission 1 and maybe like 2pcs of mission 2.. and the rest of my budget? Why went all to my kids and husband of course! Now why is that? How come when I am all set to spend for MYSELF, I end up buying more for my family. I just love the feeling I get when I find something really cute… for my 2yr-old son or 4 month old daughter… I was never like this. It was always for myself, but ever since getting married and becoming a mother it has been for THEM.

I wish everyone could experience the joys of motherhood, because let me tell you, there’s nothing quite like it. It’s a roller coaster of emotions (and dress sizes!). Sometimes I can’t even believed that I popped out these 2 little (for now) and soooo amazingly lovable people. I guess motherhood does bring out the best in every woman. Our kids (and husband) make us the best woman we can be and we get the most irreplaceable gift along with it… their unconditional love.

So now, whenever I go shopping… I must make sure my budget is for 4! :-)

Cleaning out my closet

(Blog post imported from my tumblr blog, dated Sept 27, 2010)

I spent the afternoon cleaning out 20+ years worth of stuff today. I found a lot of items that were just rotting for sentimental value’s sake, items that would be of better use if given to other people and some great finds that would be great to finally be put to use.

This made me think. Cleaning out a closet can be related with how you can “clean up” your life. You take a step back and examine what’s inside. You proceed to make piles for dispose - donate - use/keep. Just like in our lives, there are people, issues, hurts, memories and whatever emotional baggage you have that you just have to decide to which pile to categorize it in. Dispose of negative vibes (and negative people— well maybe “keep away” is a better term :) ) that will only weigh you down. Donate is equivalent to sharing. Some things are just better when shared with family and good friends. Keep the good memories and the people that matter and know you the most closest to your heart.

Life is too short (and closet/storage space is too precious) to keep stressing on unnecessary things and people. When was the last time you cleaned out your closet?

Quote from a wise man

A very wise man once said...

"In order to have a happy life, you must have a happy wife."