Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Sursi takes over the bazaar scene!

It was such an exhausting but very fulfilling weekend for me and for Sursi. I joined my first bazaar!! It cost an arm and a leg (on my money terms.. haha) for that slot in Cuenca, Alabang but it was well worth it. I got a booth with my friend Denice, and boy was it an experience! We were not 100% prepared but everything worked itself out, thank God! First off, we did not anticipate the long walk from the parking area to the booth area... thank God that our plastic boxes had wheels!! And also for good Samaritans who helped us get over the rough road. haha... then another surprise was that the spot assigned to us was in the covered area and along the main aisle!! PLUS the booth behind us brought their own rack/grill, so we were able to hang all our items!! PRAISE GOD talaga, this was the biggest blessing for us.

Mompreneurs :-) Sursi & Lilymoms
All in all, it was an awesome experience. Two whole days from 9am - 9pm. SOOO tiring but well worth it. And we are doing it again!! haha..

Catch us at our next bazaars:
November 21 @ Bel-Air Bazaar
December 4 @ Dasma Bazaar.

Here's a closer look at my Sursi products...

SURSI products

And a little pretty baby who came to visit and model for Lilymoms.. :) In fairness, she was able to effectively sell a few headbands just by being there. :)

Flower Baby Belly :)

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