We finally got the results from Belly's DMSA scan and everything is GOOD! PRAISE GOD!!!! There are no visible scarring and her kidneys are working fine and in the normal range. PRAISE GOD!!!! We just continue to pray that her Reflux will be healed entirely. According to our Pedia, the BEST ever Dra. Roxana Sison (who's dad, incidentally, was also my pedia! :)), kids with this condition usually outgrow it... she might have to have another VCUG procedure in a year or so though, to see if the reflux has healed.
It's funny how you know when something unfortunate or something not great happens, and then it's as if everything else that can go wrong follow suit? It's quite funny actually. A day after Belly's DMSA scan, she started to get a low-grade fever. I was so worried that her UTI might be back or that it was a reaction from the scan. After 3 days of fever, rashes started to show. It started on her face, and eventually moved to her body. OMG so worried that I thought she had measles!! My poor baby.. or worse, Foot and Mouth disease!.. which is such a gross disease to have, if you ask me. I put our family on lock down for the whole day (Nov.1), praying that it was not measles.. since Belly had not yet been vaccinated for it and there are known to be complications or side effects to measles in babies, such as pneumonia. :((
Belly proved to be the strongest among all of us. Dada was so worried, and so was I of course. But Belly still managed a few of her sweet smiles for us. She was EMO and a bit cranky the rest of the time, but who could blame her? She probably was itching all over, poor baby. Yet GOD IS SO GOOD because it turns out that it's just a viral infection that caused the rashes and NOT Measles. THANK YOU GOD.
Here's my (currently) EMO but still fashionable daughter in her Pedia visit look. Trying to be incognito with her "I'm not feeling well so please leave me alone" stare:

Hat: Gap kids
Sweater: Gingersnaps
Top and bottom: SM dept. store
Photo credit: Mom :)
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