Sunday, November 13, 2011

My 3 little treasures.

Kids grow sooo fast. One day you gave birth.. and then BOOM suddenly they are all so grown up! I was telling my husband the other day that our kids seem suddenly so big already!

Santino (3 yrs) is quite the chatterbox.. he always has something to say! There are still times when I am still amazed when I am conversing with him. The things he says!.. sometimes I wonder where he gets them! lol.

Here's an excerpt from my hubby's conversation with our son:
Santino: (pointing to the Church) "Daddy, what is that?"
Daddy: "That is the Church!"
Santino: "The house of Lord?"
Daddy: " YES! That's right!"
Santino: "But where is he?"
Daddy: (How do I answer this?) "He's up there!" (Pointing to heaven!)
Santino: "Tell him I want to see Him!" 
Daddy: "Uhhh, Yeah, Me too! Not today ok?"
Santino: "OK!"

Belly on the other hand is growing up to be such a beautiful little lady. I can really see her character -- the definitely holds up her own next to kuya.. and is not one to be forgotten even with baby Giovanni around. She really knows how to make her presence felt! ha ha. She's super kikay, loves to wear my shoes, carry her handbag and put on make-up! I adore my little girl!

O diba? Parang sneaking away from the paparazzi lang ang effect ng isang photo niya. ha ha!!

And of course there's my bunso, or as I like to call him, my little body builder! He's only 2 months and a few weeks old but he looks like he's 5 or 6 months old already! haha. By far my biggest baby, but still equally adorable. He has such a sweet temperament... he only cries when he is hungry, sleeps a lot and smiles often. I am slowly starting to see his character, I think he will be the most "mellow" and gentle of the 3.

Kids are really such a blessing and a great gift. I often catch myself looking at my kids and wonder... "however did I pop all these kids out?" haha... and more importantly, how can I be the best mother for them? I sometimes think that wasn't it just yesterday that I was out on gimmicks and didn't have a care int he world.. and now I am not only responsible for 3 little people, but must take care for a husband and handle a household as well. PHEW! That is indeed a tall order. Amazing. Life and family is amazing. Going through everyday with your family is an uncertain and amazing adventure... a bumpy one, but with God's grace, I think we'll get through it.

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