Ask and you shall receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.
[Luke 11:9-10]
How many times have we heard this phrase? It's also mentioned in today's reading and is a favorite among people who are asking and wanting something in their lives. I am one of those people. I often turn to this verse and think, "Oh dear God, I really really want this to happen in my life." I patiently wait.. and wait.. and wait... and in some things, I am still waiting! But often times we do ask, but after we wait... we forget... to ask again!
Sometimes we just really need to ask like children. I remember my son, Santino... he is 2 years old and at that stage wherein he wants what he wants and will do anything to get his way! When he
wants to watch his favorite dvd series on the tv, he asks and asks.. he hangs by my desk and begs me.. if I don't budge, he goes to his dad to start pulling him to the direction of the tv... if that doesn't work he asks his yaya... he shouts and makes drama and says "spongebob" or "choo-choo train" over and over... until one of us gives in. Ang kulit, diba?
It's the same when we are asking for something from God... we have to be makulit. After all, if we really really want and desire it, we won't ever forget it until we get it, right? I believe that God wants to give us the desire's of our heart, He's just waiting for the right time to give it... just like a loving, doting parent who loves us so much, who just wants whats best for us.

Photo: Santino forcing me to "mama.. listen." He always makes sure I understand what he wants! ha ha.
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