Sunday, October 31, 2010
Happy Halloween! :)
Thursday, October 28, 2010
My Super Brave Baby Belly

Tuesday, October 26, 2010
The value of human life.

Saturday, October 16, 2010
A Hardworking mother is redundant.

Thursday, October 7, 2010
Sometimes, you just have to just ask.

Monday, October 4, 2010
To the first man I ever loved.

Sunday, October 3, 2010
Marriage: Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
I’ve heard this line for many years now but never really experienced it until these past few days. Santi (my hubby) was gone for 2 days to attend a wedding of a friend in Cebu while the kids and I stayed home. Just my luck that the morning that Santi left I started to get a bad, itchy cough, runny nose and my asthma slowly kicking in. To cap it all of, that evening I got a 38 fever.
Being sick and having to take care of yourself sucks. There’s nothing like some TLC from your mom when you’re sick, but this time I didn’t have that since now, I WAS the mom. I was the one that everyone would run to and ask for help with when it came to my family. They all depended on me, be it for items around the house, or preparing meals (and also being the meal— Belly is still breastfeeding ;-)) and being that focal point where everything and everyone in the house would naturally converge.
But this time, I was the one who needed the TLC… Even in my feverish state of exhaustion, I still had to breastfeed, reply to some work emails, entertain the kids and put them to bed. Those 2 short days seemed like forever without Santi. It made me appreciate my husband and the things (even though how small) that he would do for me…. like always asking how I was, or putting Santino to sleep and being the one to mix his milk in the middle of the night… or how I could get little back rubs or a simple hug for the stress or bad feelings to melt away.
The past 2 days made me realize just how lucky I am in the husband department. Sure, there were times where I would want to ask for a full-refund or maybe a swap? But then the NO RETURN, NO EXCHANGE policy also applies in marriage, and I’m glad it does… because where would I be if I could just easily give up when faced with the tiniest hardship? Marriage IS hard work. SO MUCH HARD WORK… but when you communicate and make it work (compromise, love, patience, respect, faith) … you are very happy and at peace. :-)
Divisoria and Motherhood
(Imported from my tumblr blog, dated Sept 29, 2010)
Went to Divisoria today to buy more material for my small business. Yes, you read it right. I started designing and making nanny uniforms… born out of my frustration in searching for uniforms for my yayas which weren’t too scrubs-type (let’s keep those in the Medical profession, please) and too common or boring. I call my brand SURSI, which is an Ilonggo word meaning “to stitch.”
Pretty cool, huh? Let me know if you or any of your friends want to order… :-)
Anyway, back to my day… so I get to Divisoria with 2 missions: buy tela for my business and maybe some cute tops and things for myself. I completed mission 1 and maybe like 2pcs of mission 2.. and the rest of my budget? Why went all to my kids and husband of course! Now why is that? How come when I am all set to spend for MYSELF, I end up buying more for my family. I just love the feeling I get when I find something really cute… for my 2yr-old son or 4 month old daughter… I was never like this. It was always for myself, but ever since getting married and becoming a mother it has been for THEM.
I wish everyone could experience the joys of motherhood, because let me tell you, there’s nothing quite like it. It’s a roller coaster of emotions (and dress sizes!). Sometimes I can’t even believed that I popped out these 2 little (for now) and soooo amazingly lovable people. I guess motherhood does bring out the best in every woman. Our kids (and husband) make us the best woman we can be and we get the most irreplaceable gift along with it… their unconditional love.
So now, whenever I go shopping… I must make sure my budget is for 4! :-)
Cleaning out my closet
(Blog post imported from my tumblr blog, dated Sept 27, 2010)
I spent the afternoon cleaning out 20+ years worth of stuff today. I found a lot of items that were just rotting for sentimental value’s sake, items that would be of better use if given to other people and some great finds that would be great to finally be put to use.
This made me think. Cleaning out a closet can be related with how you can “clean up” your life. You take a step back and examine what’s inside. You proceed to make piles for dispose - donate - use/keep. Just like in our lives, there are people, issues, hurts, memories and whatever emotional baggage you have that you just have to decide to which pile to categorize it in. Dispose of negative vibes (and negative people— well maybe “keep away” is a better term :) ) that will only weigh you down. Donate is equivalent to sharing. Some things are just better when shared with family and good friends. Keep the good memories and the people that matter and know you the most closest to your heart.
Life is too short (and closet/storage space is too precious) to keep stressing on unnecessary things and people. When was the last time you cleaned out your closet?